The Confirm File Replace Dialog

When copying files around, you'll often encounter the case where the file you're copying already exists in the target folder. In this case Opus normally displays the Confirm File Replace dialog, asking you what to do.

File replace.png

The goal of this dialog is to show you enough information about the existing file (the one that already exists in the target folder) and the new file (the one you are copying) to help you decide what action to take.


The basic information that's presented for the two files is Name, Size, Date (the last modified date) and Desc (the file's description). When this information is different between the two files it is displayed in bold, making it easier to see at a glance how the two files differ. If possible, thumbnail images are also displayed for the two files - if not, the file's icon will be displayed. The thumbnails (or icons) have some additional functionality:


For efficiency, the Confirm File Replace dialog does not generate thumbnails or file descriptions for files on network or removable drives automatically.

Replace - manual info.png

Instead, a ? button (as shown in the above image) will be displayed that lets you choose whether you want to retrieve this information or not.


When the Confirm File Replace dialog has been displayed, there are several actions you can take. Fundamentally, you need to decide if you still want to copy the file or not.


If you do still want to copy the file, your available choices are:


If however you decide you don't want to copy the file after all, the available choices are:


If you are copying a file to or from an FTP site, and the remote FTP server supports resume, you will also have the choice to Resume the copy (as well as a drop-down for Resume All). If you select the Resume option Opus will attempt to resume the file transfer where it was (presumably) interrupted previously. For example, if the file you are copying is 100 KB and the existing file is only 50 KB, Opus would start transferring data from the 50 KB mark. This option will only be available if the existing file is smaller than the new one. You need to be sure of what you're doing when you select this option, as it would be very easy to wind up with a corrupted file if you accidentally resume copying the wrong file.