Filter Clause Types

Each clause has a type which specifies exactly which attribute of a candidate file that clause will match. The clause type is chosen from a drop-down list. A sub-clause is created by selecting Subclause from the same drop-down list, but sub-clauses are described on the Defining a Filter page rather than here.

Filter - Types.png 

There are a number of clause types that apply to all types of file and folder:


The following clauses only apply to certain types of file:


There are three clause types that relate to the location of a file or folder rather than the file or folder itself:


The Subfolder, Full Path and Location clauses all let you choose from standard wildcards or regular expressions.

Only the Subfolder clause stops Opus from recursing into directories. If a Subfolder clause does not match a folder then Opus will skip that folder and all of its children, even if some of the children may have matched the filter. On the other hand, with the Full path and Location clauses, Opus will still examine a folder's children even if the folder itself does not match the filter. Both of these methods can be useful, depending on what you actually want to do. If your aim is to ignore everything below a certain folder then a Subfolder clause is usually best because it avoids inspecting the folder's children unnecessarily. For some examples, see the Opus Forum/FAQ post, How to filter items by location or sub-folder.


The final clause type is Filter. This lets you refer to another pre-configured filter (one listed on the Filters page in Preferences). For example, you could have a standard filter that excludes certain types of files that you never want to process it, and then refer to that in other, more specific filters that you create later on. Referencing another filter saves you from having to duplicate all those filters' parameters, and also any changes you make later to the referenced filter will automatically have effect on any filters that use it.

Filter - Filter.png 

In this example we use the pre-configured jpegs filter to first match .jpg files, and then use an Image Dimensions clause to only match jpegs that are 1280x1024 or larger.