Details Mode
This page contains options that control the appearance and behavior of File
Displays when they are set to Details mode.
- Display grid lines: Lets you configure the display of
horizontal gridlines. There are a number of different line patterns available,
as well as a solid fill which gives the effect of alternating solid lines
behind the text. You can set the color and opacity of the gridlines (the
opacity setting determines how solid the lines appear, and how much they are
blended with the background color or image). If the Grid lines only in
source file display option is enabled, the gridlines (or fill) will
only be displayed when a file display is set as source.
- Display icons: Lets you turn off the display of file
icons in Details mode.
- Hide icons when thumbnail column is visible: If the
Thumbnail column is displayed, you may not want to show file icons
as well - turning this option on will hide the icons automatically when the
Thumbnail column is present.
- Extra line padding: Lets you add additional padding
inside each line, making each line taller and a larger area to click on. The
padding you specify will be scaled if your config is used in a different DPI.
- Extra line spacing: Lets you add additional spacing
between each line. A particular use for this is to add one extra pixel between
lines if you dislike the way selection boxes overlap (producing a thin line
between each selected item) in some versions of Windows. If you add more than
one pixel of spacing, you will start to get gaps between items where clicking
them is like clicking the folder background. Unlike padding, the spacing value
does not change when you move to different DPIs.
- File selection / highlighting style: Lets you control
both how selected files are displayed and which areas of the line respond to
mouse clicks for selecting files.
- Filename only:

Only the
filename is active - clicking anywhere to the left or right of the filename
will not select the item
- Full width of the Name column:

The entire Name column is active -
clicking anywhere to the left or right of that column will not select the
- Full row:

The entire row is
active - you can click anywhere on the item, in any column, to activate
- Always highlight full row: Normally the option above
controls both the active area for selection and the width of the highlight
that is displayed for selected items. If this option is on, the full row
will be highlighted when an item is selected, irrespective of which option
is selected for the active area.
- Sort-field specific key scrolling: Normally, when you
type in the file display (and the Find-As-You-Type field comes up in Find
mode), Opus will search for items by name and scroll to show them. If this
option is on, the current sort field can affect this behavior - for example,
if the list is sorted by the Type column, the FAYT field will search for items
by file type rather than by name.
- Thumbnail column aspect ratio: This option controls the
aspect ratio of the Thumbnail column. The width of the
Thumbnail column is set like the width of any other column - by
resizing the column header using the mouse (or using the Default
width option on the Fields
page). The aspect ratio you specify controls the row height. For example,
setting the aspect ratio to 1:1 would mean the row height of each line would
be the same as the width of the column.
- Show thumbnail borders: This option lets you choose
whether thumbnails in the Thumbnail column have a border displayed
for them, and if so, what color the frame is filled with.