
This page shows a list of your saved Lister Layouts. A Lister Layout is a saved collection of one or more Listers that you can re-open at any time. If you select a layout in this list a tiny preview at the bottom-right of the page gives you an indication of the Listers defined by the layout.

Layouts Toolbar.png 

Use the toolbar at the top of the page to edit your layouts. The button are Favorites - Add.png (add a new layout), Filters - Rename.png (rename layout), Filters - Desc.png (set description for layout), Favorites - Delete.png (delete layout), Favorites - Sep.png (insert a separator), Favorites - Up.png (move layout up), Favorites - Down.png (move layout down), Favorites - Sort.png (sort layouts) and Layouts Mark Hidden.png (mark as hidden).


The options at the bottom of the page can be modified for each layout in the list:


You can open a Lister layout by using the layout list in the Settings / Lister Layouts menu or the context menu on the desktop (if the option in Windows Integration is on). You can also create shortcuts to layouts by dragging the layout from the list on this page and dropping it on the desktop.

There is no way to modify the Listers saved in existing layouts - instead, open the layout, make the changes to the Listers as desired, and then re-save it from this page using the add button.