Status Bar

You can tell Opus exactly what information to display on the status bar. By default a count of files, folders (and how many are selected) is shown, but you can configure the display to include much more information, including total playing time for music files and bar graphs to represent things like the proportion of space selected files would take up on a DVD.

The large text field on this page is where you configure the content of the status bar. It's a multi-line text field; each line of the status bar definition corresponds to a "section" on the status bar. You can align or pad sections, and even have sections hidden based on simple conditions.

Status Bar Codes.png 

This image shows the default status bar definition. There are four lines in the text field, which means four separate sections in the status bar. As you can probably tell, you tell Opus which information to display using a series of {..} codes. We won't document all those codes here - there's a full list in the reference section. Luckily you don't actually need to know most of the codes, as the Codes drop-down at the top of the dialog provides a full list with descriptions of their meanings.

Below the text field is a small preview of the status bar - this updates in real time, so as you make changes to the status bar definition you can get an idea for how it will look in real life.

Status Bar Preview.png 

The first line of text in the status bar definition shown above corresponds to the first section in the preview, and so on. The first line is the most complex:


The second line, as you can probably guess, shows the percentage of space full on the current drive, as well as the total amount of free space. The third section displays the format lock icon, which you can click to quickly lock or unlock the current folder format. Finally the last section displays the current Lister state (source, destination, dual or off).

At the top of the status bar page is an option called Separate dual-display status bar. When this is turned on you are able to define a completely independent status bar that will be used whenever a Lister is in dual-display mode. You might want this to show selected file and folder counts for both sides at once, for example.