Adding a new Internal Command

This is an example of a script add-in that adds a new internal command to Opus.

This command, SelectNewest, selects one or more of the newest files in the current folder. You would use this by creating a new .js file in the Script Addins folder (type /dopusdata/Script Addins into the location field to find this).

You could then create a button or hotkey to run the SelectNewest command just like any other internal Opus command.


The basic procedure to add an internal command from a script add-in is:



// Set the script type to JScript to use this script
// The OnInit function is called by Directory Opus to initialize the script add-in
function OnInit(initData) {
    // Provide basic information about the script by initializing the properties of the ScriptInitData object = "Select Newest Files";
initData.desc = "Select the newest X files in the folder";
initData.copyright = "(c) 2016 Jonathan Potter";
initData.default_enable = true;
    // Create a new ScriptCommand object and initialize it to add the command to Opus
var cmd = initData.AddCommand(); = "SelectNewest";
cmd.method = "OnSelectNewest";
cmd.desc = initData.desc;
cmd.label = "Select Newest Files";
cmd.template = "NUMBER/N,FROM/K/N,NODESELECT/S";
// Implement the SelectNewest command (this entry point is an OnScriptCommand event).
// The name of this function must correspond to the value specified for the method property when the command was added in OnInit
function OnSelectNewest(scriptCmdData) {
    // scriptCmdData is a ScriptCommandData object, and it provides the raw command-line and a Func object.
// The Func object contains an Args object, which in turn contains our parsed arguments (if any), usually preferable to using the raw command-line.
// we use the got_arg object to test if an argument was provided, before reading its value
    // First get the starting index to select from, from the FROM argument. Default to 0 (newest) if not supplied.
iStartPos = 0;
if ( scriptCmdData.func.args.got_arg.from ) iStartPos = scriptCmdData.func.args.from;

// Next get the number of files to select, from the NUMBER argument. Default to 1 if not supplied
iNumber = 1;
if ( scriptCmdData.func.args.got_arg.number ) iNumber = scriptCmdData.func.args.number;

// The func.sourcetab property returns a Tab object representing the function's source tab
// We create an enumerator for files in the source tab (sourcetab.files).
// To change this to operate on files and folders rather than just files, use sourcetab.all instead
    var objEnum = new Enumerator( scriptCmdData.func.sourcetab.files );
// build an Array of the files so we can sort it
var objFiles = new Array();
i = 0;
while (!objEnum.atEnd()) {
objFiles[i++] = objEnum.item();

if (objFiles.length > 0) {
// Sort the array by the "modify" property. This will sort the file array
// in order from newest to oldest
objFiles.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.modify < b.modify)
return 1;
if (a.modify > b.modify)
return -1;
return 0;
// By default we get given a Command object pre-filled for the current tab
// we can use that instead of creating our own, but we need to clear
// out its list of files if it has one already


// Starting from the specified start position, add the requested number
// of files to the command object. Because we have sorted the array from newest
// to oldest, this will automatically add the newest files to the command
        for ( i = iStartPos; i < objFiles.length && i < iStartPos + iNumber; i++ ) {
scriptCmdData.func.command.AddFile( objFiles[i] );

// Build the Select command line to run that will actually select the files.
// The FROMSCRIPT argument is needed to select files from the command object.
// The DESELECTNOMATCH argument is used to deselect all other files, unless the
// script's NODESELECT argument was used.

strCommand = "Select FROMSCRIPT";
if (!scriptCmdData.func.args.got_arg.nodeselect)
strCommand += " DESELECTNOMATCH";
// run the Select command via the Command object's RunCommand method
scriptCmdData.func.command.RunCommand( strCommand );